Seed Structure
_____________________________ – a mature ovule containing an
embryo, and bound by a protective seed coat.
Embryonic plant – A young sporophyte consisting of
epicotyl, hypocotyl,
and one or more cotyledons.
Seeds contain
embryonic plants in a dormant state.
Seeds have the following structures…
_____________________________ – the outer, protective boundary
layer of a seed; developed from the integument(s) of the ovule.
_____________________________ – a pore or opening in the
integuments of an ovule (that will develop into a seed) through which a pollen
tube gains access to an embryo sac or archegonium of
a seed plant.
Later, when the seed matures
and starts to germinate, the
micropyle serves as a minute pore
through which water enters.
_____________________________ – a small scar that marks the point
at which the ovule was attached to the ovary wall (In seeds, the funiculus serves as the “umbilical cord” between
the parent plant & the developing seed.
The hilum is the scar from the funiculus,
equivalent to our bellybutton).
_____________________________ – food-storage organ for the
embryonic plant that also function as the first “seed
leaves” of the seedling plant. (Remember
that monocots have only one cotyledon, dicots have two.)
a. Remember that the baby plant can’t
photosynthesize & make its own
food until
it emerges from the soil. Therefore, the
seed must store some
food for
the baby plant until it can fend for itself.
b. _____________________________ – Storage
tissue surrounding the
embryo in
flowering plants; provides
nourishment to the developing
embryo. (In some plants, like corn, the cotyledon(s)
don’t supply a
amount of food to the embryonic plant.
The endosperm serves
as the bulk
of the food-storage tissue.)
_____________________________ – the terminal bud of the embryo of a
seed plant (located at the upper end of by embryo axis, it has undeveloped
leaves and a meristem).
_____________________________ – the very short part of the stem of
the embryonic plant above the cotyledon(s).
_____________________________ – the portion of the embryonic stem
located under the cotyledons & above the radicle.
_____________________________ – the embryonic root in a developing
plant embryo.
is the absorption of water by a seed that results in the seed swelling and the
seed coat splitting.
Below are
diagrams of a bean seed. In the image on
the left, the bean has the seed coat still on, and is viewed from the top. In the image on the right, the bean is viewed
in a cross section. Please label the
indicated structures using terms from the previous page.
Below is a diagram showing the
germination of three seed types. We are
especially interested in the following…
The garden bean is a dicot. Notice that the cotyledons (the bulk of the
seed) emerge from the soil during germination and become “seed leaves.” The embryonic plumule
provides the first true leaves.
garden pea germinating – not of particular interest to us at this time.
corn seed is a monocot. Kindly notice
that the cotyledons have been used during production of the embryonic
plant. The endosperm stores food for
germination. Also notice the coleorhizae
and coleoptiles, structures which are note present in dicots. Further, notice that when the monocot
germinates, the bulk of the seed remains in the soil.